Rituals Redefined

Watch your thoughts, they become your words. 

Watch your words, they become actions.

Watch your actions, they become habits. 

Watch your habits, they become character.

Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Everyday people ask me what makes me so healthy. What is my motivation and drive to strive for my healthiest? I have honestly grown to just want to feel good. And healthy feels better than anything to me. And this is truly my motivation. I have certain habits that have just become my everyday. I truly believe that it’s the small (no matter how small), daily and consistent decisions that define who we are. We are a  reflection of the habits we cultivate and keep. I have been living the Nourished lifestyle for so long now that these healthy habits have become my rituals. They are my non negotiables which help me feel my best. And when I feel my best, I have a constant stream of self love.

However, habits don’t always serve us. The first step in changing your patterns is identifying what habits aren’t serving you? What do you do everyday without even thinking? Think of the patterns you have formed in your lives. I am not saying they are necessarily bad, but consider if they are serving you and if you do them merely out of routine.

  • Do you drink coffee? Do you like it? Or is more of a habit? (I ask this because so many of my clients just drink coffee because that’s what they do in the morning. Also, how you drink it effects your day. I used to be a cream and sugar girl. Everyday that adds up. I love coffee and I now only use oat milk and a splash of maple syrup.
  • What do you eat? Do you eat something because that is what you always do? Do you eat it because we are told to eat it for breakfast, lunch or dinner? Maybe it is that daily dessert that keeps the weight on and makes you groggy at night. Is it serving you? Again I ask you to ask yourself.
  • How do you eat? Do you give thanks? Do you breathe when you eat? Do you sit down? Do you multitask while you eat?
  • Do you eat because you are hungry or is it something else? Think about that. 
  • What do you do upon waking up?
  • Do you aimlessly reach for your phone and check your email? If you do, you will be constantly feeling behind and feeling like you are playing catch up all day.
  • Identify what your biggest  time sucker is. Scrolling is mine and once I realized this. I know to limit this.

My habits have made me who I am over time. They are constantly evolving as I, myself recalibrate and I am always redefining them to serve me.  I will share with you some of them.

They are in no particular order.

  • I wake up an hour earlier than my household.
  • I mediate for at least 5 minutes.
  • I dry brush my body.
  • I put on the workout clothes I laid out the night before. 
  • I do a 30-45 min yoga class in my closet that also serves as my yoga nook with candles, essential oil and Buddah.
  • I drink hot water and lemon while I prepare my coffee.
  • I elevate my coffee. Recipe here. TKTK
  • I eat healthy fast daily like nuts and seeds, avocado, olive oil.
  • I drink a green smoothie.
  • I eat greens at every meal.
  • I lift weights 2x a week
  • I include chia, flax and hemp seeds daily into my diet.
  • I run 3-4X a week outside.
  • I keep gluten and sugar to a low I love carrot cake on my bday).
  • I drink pints of water.
  • I skip all processed meats and keep processed foods to a low.
  • I don’t eat dairy.
  • I don’t eat much animal products.
  • I choose veggies over any other foods.
  • I eat lighter dinners.
  • I take a magnesium supplement drink before bed.
  • I shut electronics off at night.
  • I take breathe breaks.
  • We as a family practice gratitude, and even if it is being forced, I know it is making an impact.
  • I sleep at least 7-8 hours a night (I sacrifice very little for sleep).
  • I organize and clean the kitchen before I sleep so I wake up to a clean slate. 

What healthy habits have become your rituals?


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